02 March 2017

Transcreation, examples from an online newsletter, #3

Compare the transcreated version
Retired racing cat to run on wind, sunshine and hydrogen
with the original
Energy Observer: Un ancien catamaran de course reconverti à l'hydrogène

The passage
À bord du labo-navire, il s'agit de coupler plusieurs énergies : trois sortes de panneaux solaires, répartis sur 130 m² de surface, deux éoliennes à axe vertical, une aile de traction intelligente et deux moteurs électriques réversibles permettent de produire l'hydrogène à bord et, mieux encore, de le stocker.
was transcreated (i.e. translated and re-written) to read
The challenge is to combine multiple energy sources, including three types of solar panels covering 130sq.m, two vertical-axis wind turbines, a smart traction kite, two reversible electric motors and, instead of batteries, hydrogen stored in high-pressure tanks. When sufficient electricity is available, it will be used to produce hydrogen from seawater by electrolysis. When there is no sun or wind, stored hydrogen will be converted back into electricity by fuel cells.
Because the original, first published by Le Télégramme, was written for a general newspaper readership whereas the Mer et Marine monthly newsletter in English targets specialist readers working in the marine/maritime/naval industries who are interested in French innovations.

As the translator (alias transcreator), I felt that the English version's specialist readership deserved some additional technical information. To save them the trouble of Googling for this additional information, I did the work for them then condensed my findings as shown above.

There is lots of confusion out there in the blogosphere and the language service industry about what transcreation means. The examples given here are intended to document and explain my approach to the question in one highly specific work situation. I'd be happy to hear what you think.

ChatGPT, a drafting aid for translation by emulation

On 17 October 2011, I published the first of two posts summarising my general approach to the type of translation/adaptation services I was ...