- The customer is likely to have a good idea how he/she wants his/her pet BWs to be translated into the target language.
- In spite of all the fine words of those who rail against BWs (see Management speak I and II below), it is not, as a rule, up to the translator to replace the author's BWs by exemplary jargon-free paraphrases for reasons that I hope to make clear shortly.
- Ask yourself: What is going on in the subtext?
Are any sections of the text aimed at people ‘in the know’ to the exclusion of those who are not?
- Do sections of the text identify an author who genuinely belongs to some inner circle and is attempting to send a message to other members to the exclusion of lesser mortals?
Do sections of the text reveal an author who is desperate to make his/her readers believe that he/she belongs to some inner circle, but clearly has not succeeded?
None of these issues are ever tackled by those who rail against MS&BW, sometimes without understanding what is really going on.