23 April 2015

DID's innovative headlines

Defense Industry Daily, or DID, produces a steady stream of headlines that, to my mind, innovate in one way or another.

The examples below clearly demonstrate that technical journalism has its innovators and that each innovation raises multiple issues for technical journalism translators. Question that will spring to mind for anyone translating such articles include: Should I aim to be as innovative as the original? If so, will I be understood or will I simple raise hackles?

A few may employ American expressions or US military jargon that will be more familiar, hence less innovative, to North American readers than to me

The following examples were gathered after consulting fewer than a dozen publication dates:

Puns on aircraft, project and system names, etc.

Playing with military and technical terms


Interesting use of everyday terms in (sub)headings

Multi-headings in the 'Rapid Fire' section using vertical seperators


Grammatical and punctuation quirks (presumably to attract attention)

Alliteration, assonance and other stylistic devices

ChatGPT, a drafting aid for translation by emulation

On 17 October 2011, I published the first of two posts summarising my general approach to the type of translation/adaptation services I was ...